Sunday, April 12, 2015

Forest Monster Nº 1 – Lampredator

«Come on, let me suck your blood in your ear! It's just a little, it costs nothing!» XP

   What's it?
   A mutant lamprey that hides in dense vegetation to attack the ear of its victims

   Where it can be found?
   Tapada's «jungle»

   Its alimentation:
   Blood of mammals with visible ears (including [and rather] humans!)

   Tapada is a urban forest there in the capital, belonging to a public faculty. There are several species of trees, such species arising from a bit of worldwide: ginkgo trees of China, cork oaks of Ocidental Mediterranean regions, eucalypts of Ocidental Pacific rim countries, etc; therefore, in addition to be an international green lung to the capital, is also a site of scientific interest and live Nature study. However, for most of the students of faculty where it situates Tapada, the place has a utility less botany and more sexological: is a motel for free and outdoor, whose dense vegetation is a natural bedroom where couples of students, very valentine and lover, are dedicated to worldly pleasures in the moonlight (but if the night sky is covered, even better so, they are better hidden)! xxD
   Or better... Was! Since the a good time out here that sweethearts in love left to get exercise lying down and moaning (lol!) in the ground covered with vegetable (dead or alive) matter of Tapada; moreover, now anyone walking in Tapada to night, away from any building or tar road, does it by at one's own risk ... From having the blood sucked of an ear! :\
   Why? Because a monster patrols Tapada at night, hiding in the shadows of the plants of there, in search of an unwary victim. It is a monster like a lamprey, which has about 11 dm of height, brown-gray overall tone, gray side fins, disheveled scales, blue eyes with a covert look of pity, oval mouth with thick lips the same color of blood that it sucks, 8 sharp yellow teeth and a toothed tongue. Its name? Lampredator. >:)
   There are several versions about the origin of this tenebrous creature. One version says that it was a normal lamprey until the day that the freshwater course where she lived was contaminated by a chemical spill, modifying it in a monstrous being. Another version says that it was a lamprey that was captured alive in a river and brought to a laboratory for a crackpot scientists, where he was subjected to scientific experiments that made it more intelligent and more tough out of water, but also more animalistic; one day, unawares of scientists, it fled the laboratory, and these scientists were silent that neither mice on the subject, otherwise they could afford the responsibilities for animal damage they have created! There is also a version that says it was a lamprey that was about to be served in a famous restaurant in Tapada, but which has been revived by a ray that entered the restaurant, which he left, to the astonishment and horror of who was there! And some say that saw it get out of a spaceship (lol)! :P

Pond where Lampredator rests during the day

   During the day, Lampredator is resting on the bottom of a very dirty pond in Tapada. Yes, deep down this pond too deep. The little house by the pond serves as a storage room for some objects it has. The faculty guys usually does not bother its resting due to the (obvious [lol]!) fear that this people have of it; but this fear is lost in Freshman Week, specifically in the Treasure Hunt (believe me: I think it should be called the Binge Drinking Hunt [lol]!), wherein one of praxes (the praxe is an academic madness that serves veterans studants to behave like Huns ... Ehm, integrate freshmen in university through hierarchical behavior [supposedly!]) consists in to immerse freshmen, in groups, within that pond – don't worry: the intention is to cool the freshmen of heats that drinking alcohol gives, not drown them (though not rarely gets out of pond 1 or 2 freshmen less than when they enter, and some time later appears one corpse in an advanced state of decomposition there! And after the culprit is Lampredator, which is not true!) –; in that fatidic week, the beast moves to an unspecified location, returning when the week ends. B|
   But then, when night falls, it wakes up from his sleep and leaves the pond looking for blood, hot blood. It hops by the Tapada, now at one the tip of his caudal fin, now at the other tip, but quietly, waiting for his prey behind/inside a bush or a tree, or on top of a tree (yes, it can climb trees, because has suction cups in its side fins that allow this). And woe unto those who have the misfortune to cross with this bloodthirsty creature! If it sees you, it jumps from where was hidden to attack you; of course you can try to escape, but she will persecute you, nor that it persecutes you by all over Tapada for hours. But the worst is not the persecution itself – it has the same speed as a normal human to run –... The worst is that it picks on the head of his victim of unbearable way! It's unbelievable, but Lampredator speaks (and it seems that it isn't the only Forest Monster that can use human speech)! And it's always talking, always talking... That it did not want to do any harm, that it's starving, that it just wants a little blood, that the process of «collection of blood» is quick and painless, etc... Without ever stopping talking, always prattling that nor parrot, and with a annoyingly shrill voice! Until, finally, the chased guy, with their ears full of so much blah-blah-blah (or is he/she falls for something of quick and painless «collection of blood»?), relents and, so to speak, shares their blood with stalker of him/her (almost always it convinces the victim). So, with the permission of the victim and opportunity in sight, it not takes half-measures: it jumps to the head of the unfortunate, sunks teeth in him/her ear – its oval mouth serves to better bite the ears of mammals – and begins to suck his/her blood with the help of tongue! Let it suck our blood is a mistake that has a high probability to be fatal: their bite hurts more than the sting of a wasp, and if we try to remove her mouth in our ear, our pain increases, making it almost impossible (if not impossible!) to escape; in a adult human, it sucks between 40 to 80% of the total blood; most victims faints before of the «privilege» terminate, from loss of blood, or pish and/or panic! After the sucking, it leaves all glad of life, skipping around of Tapada to digest a little of its sucked blood before going back to his lair at dawn, leaving its victim stunned (rarely happens)/unconscious... Or even without life! :x
   I know Lampredator is a dangerous creature (as well as any Forest Monster worth its salt!), and that it was not free to roam in a public space. But while people responsible for maintaining Tapada don't resolve to move a finger to clear the «jungle» (or better, jungle, without quotes!) that growing lawlessly without knowing a string trimmer and/or other machine which can ruin the increasingly dense vegetation – a day nor with a bowie-knife can get there! –, among other actions of aesthetic and environmental improvement of Tapada (example: clean the pond where the disgusting creature sleeps a nap during the day), it will continue its night journeys by beautiful, but battered urban forest in search of blood of mammals to ingest (for example, only the Garranos of Tapada have been attacked more than 100 times, and died 2 horses!)... Unless the «barber» (a euphemism for «wildfire»!) go through that jungle and make such cleaning...! >:\

   Tips and precautions:
   First of all, Lampredator is to be sought at night as it is a nocturnal Forest Monster – obvious, right (lol!)? You must have a bowie-knife to walk by Tapada (remember, you will go through very dense vegetation zones, where she probably hides) and a flash, if you want to photograph it – but do not use a flash too intense, because it can scare it (although it may be useful if you start to be troubles!). You pay attention to the treetops in which you pass beneath, because it can falls on you. You carry and use tampons or wax in the ears, because, without this, it's almost impossible you don't allow bitting your ears due to a torturer talk. If you are tired of watching it (hum ... Something tells me you're not gonna be long past her without running away scared [lol]!) and it intends to attack you, I recommend that you use a crucifix , a stake, garlic, a mirror and seeds ... If this results? Don't ask me, is a guess that I give: If it results with vampires, can result with it (or not)! XP

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